I usually record audio for my “Look At Me Play Guitar” videos on a PC and audio interface or a standalone recorder, but I understand that the audio system in the latest Lumix GH cameras has upped the quality of camera audio, especially with external mics. And I happen to have a pair of Schoeps mics designed to connect to devices like cameras, the CMBI mic bodies. Naturally I had to hook them up and see what happens.
The CMBI bodies are out of production now but they are still out there in the used market. These little mic bodies are battery powered and use a DIN 5 pin connector instead of XLR output. This configuration was optimal for DAT recorders and other portable recorders that were common in the 1970s. Schoeps created a flexible cable system that allowed mono or stereo setups, but these cables are also no longer in production. Fortunately there are cable specialists who can create functional cable sets. I had Vark Audio create cables for mono and stereo attachment and also a pair of DIN to XLR cables so I could connect to my current recorder.
Here’s the video tutorial showing the setup I used to create a video with the CMBI mics into my Lumix GH5:
and here’s the resulting “Look At Me Play Guitar” video:
It was fun rigging this setup and shooting a video with this equipment, but the capabilities of the newest portable recorders has convinced me to keep using separate audio for my videos. I’m still keeping my mind and eye open for upgrades to camera audio, it’s sure nice to be able to skip the process of syncing audio and video in post.